You are currently viewing Wonder Woman, are you juggling multiple things all at once and failing miserably?

Wonder Woman, are you juggling multiple things all at once and failing miserably?

You’re not alone, recently I have seen a lot of female clients for Hypnotherapy who are seeing me for stress and anxiety.

There is a common trait running through all of them, they are hard-working, conscientious and caring.

Another common trait is, they are ALL trying to be Wonder Woman; they are trying to be the best mum, the best partner, the best employee/employer/business woman, the best daughter, the best friend etc. etc.

They are burnt out trying to be the best at everything, it’s unrealistic and unachievable.

If this sounds like you, here are 10 new habits to adopt, to help you to slow it all down and take back control.

  1. Listen to your inner flame your gut feeling your soul or any other word you relate to. If something fans your flame do more of it, if it dampens your flame do less of it, change it or change how you feel about it.
  2. Learn to say ‘no’ if you don’t want to do something. Where you are able to, start to take back control of who you see, where you go and what you do.   This will take practice at first but start by saying ‘no’ at least once a day.
  3. Schedule time for you, maybe meditate, take a long warm bath, take the dog for a walk, or read a good book or article.
  4. Stay off social media for an hour or two before bedtime, let your brain settle and process events from your day rather than filling it with other peoples.
  5. Cut yourself some slack, prioritise your ‘to do’ list into what must be done and what can wait until tomorrow or the day after or maybe never.
  6. Take time to enjoy the present, (it’s a gift, hence the name).
  7. Write a list of who you want/need to take care of, use this to prioritise who gets your attention and only spread your net if you have the time and more importantly, if you really want to, make sure you include yourself in that list.
  8. If you need help ask for it, people won’t always offer in case they might offend you.
  9. Spend your valuable time with like-minded people who you enjoy being with and who make you happy, if you have a friend(s)/family who bring your down, criticise or put on you, start to see them less often or stop seeing them altogether.
  10. Don’t try and be the best at everything, prioritise your time especially the time with your children – think – will your children remember how clean and tidy your home was or that you took them to the park and went on the roundabout with them? The housework can wait.

If you have attempted all these new habits and are still feeling the overwhelm.  I offer a free 15 minute, no obligation, phone consultation.  Why not see if we can get you back on track?

07941 349743

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