You are currently viewing Unless you learn to face your own darkness, you will continue to see it in others!

Unless you learn to face your own darkness, you will continue to see it in others!

I speak about this a lot, don’t I?
How we experience life depending on our upbringing and circumstances.
And I speak about it a lot because it’s true.
Sure, I work with anxiety.
But anxiety is NEVER the problem… EVER.
It’s the result of what is underneath, your experiences so far, how you see the world, how you see the people around you.
If you look for hate, you’ll find it.
If you look for love, you’ll find it.
A lot of people need to see me desperately, but they won’t.
They won’t want to lift the lid and face their own darkness.
Instead, they will continue to mask the darkness with drink, drugs, retail therapy, binge watching box sets or any other distraction.
Therapy is often viewed as a weakness but only the brave pick up the phone and make that first appointment.
Karen x
Anxiety Specialist

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